On Rock Community Services is a community organization committed to making a difference in the West Island of Montreal by being a resource for people in the community. Our focus and mission is to help with those in our community who are struggling with food insecurity. Every program we have supports this underlying mission in some way, and is accomplished through our full-time staff and volunteers. This takes various forms, including a food bank, a school lunch program, a thrift store, and a restaurant.
Kim Reid has been the driving force behind On Rock Community Services and its impact on the West Island of Montreal, since its founding in 1991. As the visionary, Kim has developed its programs and created a stable environment from which to impact the greater community. Kim's professional history included 14 years of working with at risk youth, which paved the way to opening a youth drop-in centre (The Vault) that thrived under his leadership for almost 20 years.
To date, the On Rock Food Bank has grown to 10 times its original size and Kim has worked with donors, foundations and other nonprofits to help sustain it. His professional mantra has been and will always be: Together We Make A Difference.
On Rock has had a history of pivoting based on the needs of the community. When a youth centre was needed, we established one. When food security in our neighbourhood became a serious issue, our focus became the food bank. When there were flood waters threatening our community we provided food, cleaning supplies, and practical assistance. During the recent pandemic we have pivoted again to remain open in a manner that is safe for our staff and volunteers, and to be able to safely supply nutritious food boxes to our clients.
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